Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pumpkin Cranberry Bread

Pumpkin is going to be with us for the next two months and I want to capitalize on all that it has to offer.  As I start to plan my Thanksgiving feast, in my head, I take into consideration all the wonderful flavors of the season; pumpkin, chestnuts, sweet potatoes, corn, cranberries, brussel sprouts, citrus, apples, pears, pecans, baby squash, beets, and so much more.

I like my Thanksgiving table to be colorful, festive and tasty.  I have my trusty favorites;

cranberry-raspberry sauce
beet-pear puree
roasted brussel sprouts
pecan pie
pumpkin praline pie

However, each year, I try to create new dishes.  Right after Halloween (like now), I start to mull through magazines (new and old), cook books, the Internet, and my friend's blogs. Each year, I like to try new potato dishes, vegetables, biscuits, savory puddings, breads, and quick breads.  I came across this recipe on Molly's blog,  Orangette, and ironically I had this recipe earmarked in one of my books, The New Joy of Cooking.  It was a sign.  I had to try it.

I had a bit of left over pumpkin puree in the fridge and this was a great way for it to not go to waste.  I love making quick breads and muffins.  Generally, when making both of these, one could easily use things found in your very own pantry.  It is a great way to whip up an after school snack, a quick early morning breakfast for the kids and both really take no time at all.

I love this bread.  The original recipe called for golden raisins, but I immediately knew I wanted to replace the raisins with cranberries. The pumpkin flavor is not overwhelming, the cranberries add just the right tartness and the hazelnuts add the perfect crunch.  This is not only going to be a staple in our home this holiday season, but I already see it wrapped and packaged as gifts for friends and neighbors.  

Pumpkin Bread with Hazelnuts + Cranberries
1 9" loaf 

1 1/2 cups unbleached flour
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. table salt
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/3 cup water
1/2 tsp. vanilla
6 Tbls. unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/3 cup succanat
2 large eggs, room temperature
1 cup pumpkin puree, room temperature
1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts, toasted
1/2 cup fresh cranberries

• preheat oven to 350*.  Butter a 9 x 5" loaf pan(I used an 8 x 4" loaf pan and two small paper loaf pans).
• whisk together flour, cinnamon, baking soda, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, baking powder. set aside.
• in another bowl, mix the water and the vanilla.  
• in a the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the butter until creamy. beat in the sugar until combined and just blended.  add the eggs, one at a time.  add the pumpkin puree and beat on low speed until blended.
• add the flour mixture in three parts, alternating with the water/vanilla mixture in the two parts.
• scrape down the sides of the bowl and then fold in the hazelnuts and the cranberries.
• pour batter into the prepared pans.
• bake the 8" loaf for about 50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center.
• bake the mini loaves for about 22-28 minutes.
• let cool on rack for about 15 minutes.
• turn the loaves out onto the wire rack and let cool completely.

I actually made several of these and froze them, individually.  Next week I have a breakfast meeting to go to and I plan on taking one of these out of the freezer the night before and reheating, slightly the following morning.  This beats dunkin doughnuts any day of the week!


  1. I too will use pumpkin for the next few months. Love the hazelnuts in this bread & I covet a seat at your Thanksgiving table ;) xo

  2. I was just thinking about making a batch of pumpkin cranberry bread last night. I'm glad I didn't because this looks perfect. I bet the hazelnuts give it just the somethin' somethin' it needs!

  3. Genius combinations... I can imagine this tastes fantastic!


  4. Where do I sign up to be one of these bread receiving friends??? he he. It looks great, good substitutions.

  5. Hmmmm..there are so many pumpkin bakes floating in blogs, I am so spoilt for choice!..this looks like another lovely one to add to my list!

  6. I love your substitution of cranberries for raisins. Hazelnuts are a favorite of mine as well- this bread sounds wonderful!

  7. I was just wondering how I could get on your Christmas list so I might get a loaf of this bread.

  8. paula - lol! I think I am going to have to devise a holiday giveaway. must start thinking about this! thanks so much for making me smile!

  9. marla - i would LOVE for you and your family to join us. next year we need to plan a bloggers thanksgiving party!

  10. I've been baking a lot with pumpkin as well - cornbread, blondies, even Irish soda bread. I love the flavor. This looks like an excellent pumpkin bread recipe and those cranberries would add such nice pops of flavor in every bite. I'm holding a CSN giveaway on my blog and you're welcome to come by and enter.

  11. Don't you love "signs" This looks so festive and seasonal I'll have to give it a try. Never have been much of a baker but with all these baking posts I've been seeing I think I might become a convert. Love the post...B

  12. Such classic flavors. This bread looks both delicious and beautiful.

  13. I've never thought to add hazelnuts to pumpkin bread, but I bet it's a wonderful addition! I do love all the pumpkin recipes these days. I can't get enough of it!

  14. yumm...this seems like the peerfect fall bread!
