Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Not your typical "bakery" cookie

I had a little bit of both chocolate butter cream (from here) and the dulce de leche butter cream (from here) left over, from last weeks creations.  If you know me, I don't throw much away.  My tomatoes almost gone bad turns into tortilla soup, at the end of the week, my veggie drawer turns into either a stir fry or a big hearty vegetable soup and if I have either (or both) zucchinis and leeks, I make an orzo, a farro salad or some some sort of fritter.

I am a planner.  I make lists, I plan a weeks worth of meals and shop accordingly (actually, Miguel shops accordingly- with a typed up list, broken down by market) and I always cook with the mind set that there needs to be something left over for lunch the next day.  Yeah, Miguel brown bags it!  However, I am guilty of not always following through with my "weekly meal plan" and there are those rare occasions where we call up Mulberry Pizza and order a huge pie.

So, when I had this left over butter cream sitting in the fridge, I couldn't toss it.  I found the perfect cookie to  embrace two very different butter creams.  We brought these to dinner at friends and all enjoyed them as we ate in their Sukkah, under a sky filled with lots and lots of stars.

Orange Rosettes
adapted from here
yield: 2 dozen sandwich cookies

12 Tbls. unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
zest from 2 oranges
1 Tbls. orange juice
1/2 tsp. vanilla
pinch of salt
1 1/4 cups flour
1/4 cup cornstarch

• preheat oven to 325*.  line 2 baking sheets with parchment
• in the bowl of an electric mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter, confectioner's sugar and the orange zest until smooth.
• add the orange juice and the vanilla.
• in a small bowl, combine the salt, flour, and cornstarch.  whisk to combine.  slowly add it to the mixer and combine thoroughly.
• place dough in a pastry bag fitted with a star tip.  pipe small, one inch rosettes onto the parchment lined cookie sheets.
• bake for 12-15 minutes or until the edges start to brown.
• allow to cool completely.
• pipe a small amount of butter cream on a rosette and make small rosette cookie sandwiches!


  1. love your leftovers style! I do the same thing. But I need to start making more soups with my leftover veggies. I've tossed out way too many limp celery stalks!

  2. megan - oh no, don't throw out your celery stalks. they are the perfect addition to a wonderful veggie stock (see my upcoming friday's post for my delicious veggie stalk). You won't throw out your celery stalks or the green part of your leeks ever again!

  3. These are absolutely beautiful, and I bet the flavor tastes out of this world! Lovely cookies. Thanks for sharing!

  4. May not typical but it sure does look delicious.

  5. I love these pretty untypical cookies... They look perfect!

  6. Of course you could not toss that gorgeous buttercream & lucky to have two flavors for these adorable cookies. Your baked treats always inspire! See you in a few hours in SF :) xo

  7. those rosettes look soooo adorable!!!

  8. Those are some beautiful cookies! The look divine!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  9. waste not, want not! this is an absolutely fabulous way to use up buttercream. i must confess, i've been known to eat it with a spoon. :)

  10. Thanks for all your comments. They make me feel good!

    Megan - it is very good to use up your veggies for soups, stir fry and even roast them - make some quinoa and you have a great salad!

    comfort of cooking - they were pretty darn good, even better the next day!

    Eliana - very delicious

    Kim- the batter makes them easy to pipe. have fun with them!

    Marla - you inspire me!

    M - I think the shape of the cookie made the cookie what they are

    Mary- thank you so much for your compliment!

    Grace-me too! but don't tell anyone!

    Have a "sweet" day

  11. Lovely!! I would probably enjoy this little delights under a night full of stars!!
