Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dad...Happy 90th!

Today, my dad would have been 90 years old.  I truly thought he would be here, celebrating along with us.  Sadly, that is not the case.

As I have mentioned in many of my past posts, my dad loved his sweets.  He would drive pretty much anywhere to get his favorite pecan bun, loaf of bread, tuna sandwich, or burger.  Martino's Bakery in Burbank, was no exception.  Their tea cakes were a staple at most holiday or family gatherings.  These tea cakes are simply a square cupcake.  The cake is a moist, buttery, mapley cake with the most perfect maple glaze.  I have already eaten one.  I may just have to eat one more, in honor of my dad.

Happy Birthday, Dad.  I miss you each and every day!


  1. What asweet post! Glad to have found your blog.

  2. What a great post to keep the memory of your dad alive :)

  3. Happy Birthday Susan's Pappa! and a Happy and Healthy New Year! There's a pretty cool crowd celebrating it all in Heaven right now! Love j

  4. your dad was a great man! ;)

  5. Such a sweet tribute. Eat the teacake, I am sure he would want you to!

  6. What a special Birthday celebration....your dad is smiling down on are amazing! xoxo

  7. So sweet! I know how you feel, I have just been to visit my dad at his place of rest and my mom cooked some of his favourite food along and we ate and remembered how he loves eating them too.

  8. Oh, my dear, I'm sorry for your loss - my mom is no longer here, either and I've missed here all these 24 years.
    You have such a beautiful family, Susan! Your dad would be very proud.

  9. I am grateful to all of those who sent your thoughts and best wishes. For those of you that have lost a parent, I am so, so sorry. For those of you whom still have your parents, simply love them!
