Monday, August 16, 2010

PIckled Veggies

Isaac and I have established that a burger isn't a burger without pickles.  We both agreed that our pulled pork sandwiches ( last nights dinner ) was no exception to the pickle rule.  I love pretty much anything pickled.  I have been a pickle lover ever since I could remember.

Growing up, my elementary school, Erwin Street Elementary had a fall festival each year.  Some classrooms had a different game theme, one classroom housed all the prizes where one could "buy" stuff with the winning tickets. Yet, my most favorite classroom of all had a huge barrel filled with the fattest pickles I had ever seen.  The classroom with the barrel of pickles was the place I searched out first.  I could still remember what they tasted like.  And I can still remember the feeling I got with that first bite of that sour, tart pickle!

Each summer I end up pickling some sort of veggies.  This past week I choose English cucumbers, radishes, and purple onions.  I also threw in a shallot, sliced thin!  The pulled pork could stand on it's own, but adding these veggies made it that much better.

Wish I had some photos of the sandwiches.  I made 5 pounds.  Thinking it was way too much, I decided to invite some friends over.  All 5 pounds was polished off, leaving NO leftovers.  Thus, no photos!  Guess, I am just going to have to make another roast.  I don't think my family will be disappointed!

Pickled Vegetables
original recipe here
yield: 4 cups

1 English cucumber, sliced thin
1 small red onion, sliced thin
10 radishes, sliced thin
1 shallot, sliced thin
3 Tbls. coarse salt
2 cups cider vinegar
1 cup sugar
1 Tbls. whole black peppercorns
2 tsp. mustard seeds
2 tsp. whole coriander seeds

• using a madoline( mine is 30 years old and probably the least expensive one out there), slice veggies about 1/8" - 1/4" thick.  toss veggies with 2 tablespoons kosher salt in a large colander, set over a bowl.  Set in fridge for an hour.
• rinse veggies well.  pat dry and place in a clean glass jar.
• bring remaining 1 tablespoon salt, vinegar, sugar, peppercorns, mustard and coriander seeds to a simmer in a small saucepan.  simmer 5 minutes.
• pour over vegetables, let cool for 1 hour.  cover, and refrigerate overnight or up to 3 weeks.

* they also make a terrific, low-cal, mid afternoon snack!


  1. These pickeld veggies looks good!

  2. this recipe looks like it hits all the markers of a great recipe: delicious, easy, and involves a ball jar. I'm in.

  3. I am so impressed whenever I see someone who pickles things. Nice job!

  4. Wow, I'm impressed....all 5 pounds were finished off. These Pickled Veggies sound awesome. Love the addition of shallots. xo

  5. I'm a bit of a pickle fiend too!!!!

    Love this recipe .. Thanks.

  6. What a lovely recipe for pickles. This is my first visit to your blog though I can tell you it won't be my last. I really like your recipes and will be back often to see what else you've been cooking. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  7. I too am a huge pickle fan! I have raised 3 more pickle lovers. I have always done something a little weird. I dip my pickle in ketchup. It's the whole sweet & salty combo. YUM! I would love to come to the next pulled pork frenzy! Sounds & looks amazing as always!

  8. can we have the recipe for the meat??? :)

  9. I love anything pickled.. these veggies look so good. You have totally made me want to start making my own pickled goodness. Thanks.

  10. Wonderful recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Love all your comments:

    KIm - they are good! and easy!

    Brooke - ball jars are the favorite kitchen utensil!

    Kristen - it is so much easier than it looks!

    Marla - shallots are a favorite in our house.

    Brownieville girl - i have a pickle addiction!

    Mary - welcome and so happy to meet you!

    Wendy - that's why we are friends. from one pickle lover to another, you are not weird!

    SJB3ip - the pulled pork recipe will come soon! so delish!

    Nicole - don't be shy...make your own pickle goodness!

    Ellie - thanks for visiting!

    Have a "sweet" day!
