Monday, August 9, 2010

Cherry Slab Pie

I have not really made any cherry desserts this summer. After all, cherry season is almost behind us and I felt it only fitting to make a cherry something or another.  I love cherries.  Aside from plums and pineapple, they are my favorite fruit.  I like dried cherries in almost everything, cherries straight out of the bag while perusing the grocery isles (shhh...don't tell anyone ), and a humongous slice of cherry pie.

I have been wanting to make this for YEARS!  Now this dessert has a purpose.  Gaby from What's Gaby Cookin has thrown together a pot luck picnic with some of our food blogger friends.  Because this dessert makes a huge tray ( a 15" x 10" jelly roll pan ), it proved to be the perfect dessert for both the youngest in the crowd as well as the oldest ( no doubt, will be me )!

It was fun spending the day with Gaby (what's gaby cookin), Esi (dishingupdelight ), Carrie and her family
(deliciouslyorganic), and Allison (aforaubergine).  It was fun talking about food, family, restaurants and the upcoming Blogher Food 2010 event in October. There were several of you that were missed, however look forward to our next lunch, dinner or a simple hang out!

I will miss cherry season.  In the meantime, I will happily enjoy this pie.

Cherry Slab Pie
Baking Handbook by Martha Stewart
yield: 16-ish servings

for the crust:
3 3/4 cups all purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp. coarse salt
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
3 sticks ( 12 oz ) unsalted butter, cold, cut into pieces
1/2 cup ice water

for the pie:
2 1/2 lbs. (about 6 cups) fresh sour cherries, stemmed and pitted
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup cornstarch
juice from 1/2 lemon
1/4 tsp. salt
2 Tbls. heavy cream
sanding sugar for sprinkling

for the pate brise:
• place flour, sugar, and salt in the work bowl of a food processor. pulse a few times.  scatter the butter over the flour mixture and pulse a few times.  the mixture resembles coarse meal. don't over mix.
• while the machine is running, add the water, 2 tablespoons at a time.  keep adding the water through the feed tube until the dough just holds together when squeezed.
• turn dough out onto a clean work surface.  divide into two pieces, one slightly larger than the other.  flatten dough and wrap each disc in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 1  hour or overnight.

for the filling:
• preheat oven to 375*. spray a 10 x 15" sheet pan with cooking spray.
• on a lightly floured surface ( I use a marble surface ), roll the larger dough to an 18" x 13" rectangle.  fit it into the sheet pan, pressing into corners and letting some hang off the sides.  chill while assembling the filling.
• roll out the other piece of dough to a 16" x 11" rectangle.  place on parchment and let rest in fridge as well.
• in a large bowl, combine the fruit, sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice, and salt.  stir to combine. spread mixture over chilled pie shell
• using the second piece of dough, drape over filling.  fold edge of bottom dough over the top dough.  pinch edges to seal.  prick the top dough all over with a fork.
• brush entire surface of the pie with the cream and sprinkle with sanding sugar.
• bake until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling, 40 - 55 minutes.
• transfer to a wire rack to cool.
• serve warm or at room temperature.
• this is best eaten the same day.  don't worry it wont last...cuz whatever doesn't get eaten, i will happily polish off!

thank god for my cherry pitter.  I couldn't have done this with out it!


  1. This cherry pie looks amazing! I bet I would enjoy it a lot!!!

  2. Great dessert for summer time!

  3. This pie is sooo good!! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. i'm not such a big fruit baker, but this looks like something i'd love

  5. I have wanted to make this but have been a bit scared as it seems to look so big. I will have to find an event to bring it to. Maybe next year as cherries are slowly going away. Thanks for the inspriation.

  6. OMG THIS WAS THE MOST AMAZING CHERY SLAB PIE IN THE WORLD. And trust me - I don't say that lightly. The pastry was perfect. The cherries were delish! I could have eaten the entire slab if I had been wearing stretchy pants :) Susan you are the best baker ever!

  7. That pie looks fantastic (great photo by the way).

    It's great to have a recipe that will feed the masses!!!!

    Glad you had a wonderful day :-}

  8. I can't wait for cherry season, Susan - I know I'll be making this pie, it looks so good!

  9. I will miss cherry season, too! I haven't baked anything with them this summer yet...we would eat them straight from the bag on the way from the I haven't had a chance :)
    your cherry slab pie looks so delicious and what a fantastic company you had there to share it with!!!

  10. Wow, what a lovely pie...looks so yummie...would love to try it :-)

  11. Loved all your comments!

    Kim- it is amazing.

    Maria - cherries = summer

    Esi - i am glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed being with you!

    Justin - you can use any berry in this, however I am a huge cherry lover!

    Nicole - it is surprisingly easy. the dough is super easy to work with and the filling is made in a snap!

    Gaby - you are way too kind. i loved our day and I am excited about our next get shindig!

    Brownieville Girl - it was a wonderful day!

    Patricia - mi amiga! I am sure your slab pie will GORGEOUS!

    M - I couldn't let cherry season pass without creating some sort of cherry dessert! The company was the highlight of the day!

    Juliana - it was delicious!

    Have a delicious day!

  12. I love this, it reminds me of a dessert that my grandma makes. Can't help but bring a smile to my face :)

  13. slab pie is ingenious...looks beautiful and photography gorgeous!
