Monday, May 17, 2010

Sables - 2 flavors, 1 dough

These are my new faves.  Sables are as abundant in France as the chocolate chip cookie is in the good 'ole US of A.  Sables are a glamorous shortbread.  And boy do I love a good shortbread.

This dough is so versatile.  The main dough can be altered to create many different flavors and tastes.  Today I made a simple hazelnut dough and a lemon - almond dough.  These cookies are so light, but don't break when you bite into them.  They hold their shape and bake easily.  And...the dough can be shaped, rolled and frozen.  My kind of dough.

Baking From My Home to Yours, Dorie Greenspan

2 sticks (8 oz) unsalted butter, room temp.
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar, sifted
1/2 tsp. salt
2 large egg yolks
2 cups all purpose flour
sanding sugar for rolling

• working with a standing mixer and a paddle attachment, cream the butter on medium speed.  add the sugars, & salt and beat until blended, this mixture should be smooth and velvety.
• reduce mixer speed to low and add the egg yolks until well blended
• add flour and pulse a few times until you don't see any flour left in the bowl.  if it feels like play-doh it is done.
• scrape dough out on to a slightly floured work surface and shape into a ball.  divide the ball in half.
• shape each ball into a 9" log.  wrap and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
to bake
• preheat oven to 350*.  line baking sheet with silpat mats.
• unwrap one of the logs (keep the others in the fridge). brush the log with one egg yolk that has been whisked.  immediately roll the log in sugar.
• slice the log into 1/3" thick cookies, place on prepared cookie sheet, leaving some space between each cookie.
• bake for 17-20 minutes, rotating the pans, front to back and top to bottom at the half way point.  they should be golden around the edges and pale on top.
• let cookies cool on racks.

• replace 1/2 cup of your flour with a nut of your choice.
• add the zest of a lemon to your sugar mixture before adding to the creamed butter.

the G's got a box of both the lemon and the 
hazelnut along with a bag of "crack" cookies!


  1. This recipe sounds delicious, Susan!
    I will keep it simple without adding the nuts of my choice, as I like the idea of the addition of the lemon, giving it a nice, clean spring fresh taste.
    Keep the recipes coming!
    I had much success with the matzoh toffee YUM YUM!

  2. ok susan, i really want to know when do you have all this time for baking? i am very impressed. these sounds so delicious.

  3. I can't wait to make this recipe. I love Dorie Greenspan. It was great seeing you at Adin's Bar Mitzvah! Keep up the fabulous blog!


  4. I wish I were the lucky one getting such a pretty box of cookies - especially because they're lemon, yum!

  5. These sound delicious. I will definitely add the nuts. If you get a chance take a peek at my baking blog. I am also having a giveaway. Thanks so much.

  6. I like this. I'm going to have to give this recipe a try... Would hazlenut flour work in place of the nuts?

  7. hi lisa, that is exactly what i used; hazelnut flour. I am going to do another flavor and add some espresso powder. You will love this cookie. Let me know what you think!

  8. Hi Susan! I am loving your you know! I will absolutely try the sables, they are on the short list! By the way Reuben commented on the chocolate chip cookies that he ate at your house Friday! He said YUM!

  9. we were going to some friends house for dinner the other night and i always like to bring dessert. the trick was i had to do something without chocolate?! that to me is a shame. i remembered you posted these and loved the fact that they were easy to make. i added lemon zest but you are right, the dough is so versatile that you could add just about anything. ( i did, of course, make another dessert with chocolate)
