Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A little nostalgia + a Giveaway!

Several weeks ago I posted about a favorite spoon and some ice cream (here).  I talked a little bit about one of my favorite childhood possessions; my Yogi Bear Spoon.

Last week, my friend Lisa and I, were having lunch at one of our new neighborhood haunts; SIX restaurant.  We ordered their artichoke pizza and their seasonal Cobb, dressing on the side.  The food arrived and I guess I put my head down for some reason or another and when I lifted my head up, there, in the side of balsamic vinaigrette, was a Huckleberry Hound spoon!  Just sitting there, waiting for me.  I was flabbergasted, confused, speechless, excited.  I looked at Lisa and she had this huge grin on her face.  I was so touched.  I said to her, "you had these spoons, too?"  And she responded by saying, "no, dummy...ebay!"  She read my blog post and was touched.  Now, I am touched.

Ebay, it never would have occurred to me to search ebay for a mate for Yogi Bear.  Since then, I have become quite the ebay addict.  I am looking for grain seed bags.  Other than the local flea markets, ebay is a great resource for stuff like that.

In honor of Lisa, ebay and a little piece of my childhood, I am giving away both a Vintage Huckleberry Hound and Vintage Yogi Bear spoon to one lucky winner.  This giveaway is for U.S. addresses, only.

To enter this special giveaway, simply leave a comment below (one entry per person) and write something nostalgic about your childhood.  I will pick the winner from Random.  The deadline for this contest is, Friday, May 14, 2010 at midnight PDT.  If you comment isn't linked to a blog where I can find you, please leave your email address.

Looking so forward to reading your stories!


  1. LOVE YOUR BLOG..........

  2. i love your posts


  4. I remember when I was a kid, I had a stuffed Mickey Mouse that somehow was gone and lot forever when I was a teenager (I slept w/ the thing up until it disappeared!) Well, it turns out my mom took it to my grandmother's to fix it up a bit as a surprise (it was from birth, kinda mangled) and because my grandfather died, everyone forgot about it; that is, until this year (mind you, it's been 11 years!) when someone was going through stuff in the basement at her house and found it! She fixed it for me and gave it to me on Easter! I cried. In front of everyone. I'm 27. Yeah, kinda sappy. But I was so happy. Your story reminds me of that :)

  5. I ran across a shirt my dad had gotten for me on a fishing trip when I was about 2, some 40-uh-um years ago, and immediately washed it and made my son wear it.....and it fit.....photo here (bad photo!)

  6. i have a few special "kid" memories but the one that i remember the most is my birthday candle. it was a tall pink candle with the years 1-16 on it. each year my sister would make the most awesome two layer chocolate cake with candy type frosting and we would light the candle until finally there was no more candle.

  7. I love those guys - looked them up on ebay last time you posted them. My fave growing up were these kool-aid cups - they had different character faces in the cups - way cool. jodi o dee o at comcast dot net

  8. My grandmother always fixed me french toast on weekends. It was served on plates that were triangle shaped with orange flowers and little dutch girls (I think) I have spent almost 40 years looking for those plates. My best friends mother gave a sugar bowl before she became too sick to remember who I was that came from the same set. Everytime I see the simple sugar bowl I remember 2 woman who loved me and taught me alot of life. ...PAm at pkburr55@yahoo.com

  9. This has NOTHING to do with food. BUT, my mom was a marathoner and sort of OBSESSIVE exerciser. Saturday morning always consisted of a 5 am wake up call followed by my bro and I (when we were 5 and 6 yrs old) getting geared up to ride our little huffy bikes to follower her as she ran. If our little hands got cold she would stop and we would do jumping jacks to warm up. I hated it then, but as an adult I am a runner and might do the same to my kids ;)

  10. Even though I am still in my childhood, I remember when I was at my 4th birthday party and we were doing the hokey pokey and they said "Now stomp your right foot in", and there was an earthquake.
