Thursday, May 20, 2010

Caught Red Handed

Levi was caught red handed.  And he could care less!  He is so unfazed by the possibility of a consequence that I am almost at a loss.  With Levi, I am learning to just roll with it.

I had baked off a dozen cookies (had frozen dough in the freezer) for mama "G" who endured knees surgery this past week.  I was taking dinner and treats over to their house last night. I walked into the kitchen to package up the cookies and who did I see sitting on the floor, in the middle of the kitchen, with a glass of milk in one hand and a cookie in the other.  Yep, you guessed it.

As he was carrying out his naught-i-ness, he just kept on dunking and eating, dunking and eating.  I didn't get angry. I merely marveled at the sight of him just sitting there, totally indifferent and unconcerned that what he may be doing is wrong.  The only thing I could think of saying to him, at that very moment, was "don't go anywhere, let me grab my camera".

Just another day in the life....


  1. i love your "day in the life"

  2. I's gotta make one laugh!

  3. OOOOOOOhhhhhhh, the naughty scamp! But he knows what's good, right?

  4. Awsome! Love kids! HAHAHAHA! first time in your blog! Love it!
