Tuesday, April 13, 2010

GIVEAWAY - An Urban Baker First!

Earth Day is April 22nd this year.  We kind of celebrate Earth Day, everyday in our house.

My kids lunch boxes are filled with reusable containers (no plastic baggies or pre-wrapped foods) and SIGG water bottles.  Levi, mostly takes hot food, in a thermos and when it's not a hot food day, I pack veggies and snacks in cute containers I get at the japanese markets.  I try and use my silpats when ever possible (however, I am addicted to pre-cut parchment sheets) and only use biodegradable cleaning supplies in our house.  I only use cloth napkins and re-usable cloth cleaning rags and rarely use paper towels.  I am trying to do my part.

We are also in the process of redoing our herb and vegetable garden.  I am excited to ultimately eat what we grow.  And I am guilty of dropping the ball on composting.  That's going to change!

Earth day is about embracing our environment, being conscious, and thankful for what we have.

Grateful Grafitti is a very cool company I discovered over a year ago.  Their tag line is: TAG THE TOWN POSITIVE.  Their whole concept is about tagging everything and anything (school lockers, cars, fridges) positive.

I have one on my car and get stopped frequently, asking me where I got my peace sign.  I now keep some in my car at all times.  I love spreading their message.

In the spirit of Earth Day I am giving away a Grateful Grafitti Peace Sign Magnet.  To enter the giveaway, just leave me a comment telling me what you and your loved ones can do to honor Earth Day!  I will keep the comments open until Thursday, April 15 th, 6 PM PST, and announce the winner (using a random number generator) on Friday, April 16th.  The giveaway is open to US residents only.  One entry per person!

Good Luck!


  1. And Happy Earth day to you! What a sweet giveaway!!!:) Thanks!

  2. We're def all about using reusable containers for lunches these days. Instead of my bf getting snacks from the vending machines or where ever, I package up homemade granola bars or protein bars for him to take, along w/ a sweet treat like brownies or CC cookies every once in a while. We never have a light on if it's not needed. Typically, we'll light candles at night in the living room or dining room while were watching TV or eating dinner. It makes it feel like a real date :)
    I just started looking into composting, I never really understood how that worked before now. I am also trying to get him to pick a spot in the backyard where I can grow a garden for herbs and veggies and fruits. I pester him everyday about it... :)

  3. Cute giveaway!

    We try to do as much as we can to live green...however, I'd addicted to paper towel. We have a 22-month old, and they're just SO easy for the inevitable messes. I really am going to make an effort to cut back on them, though, and once she's a little older, cut them out altogether.

    I really want to start composting! Maybe that'll be my Earth Day goal :)

  4. I'm a big fan of composting -- I have a smallish suburban lot and it's a piece of cake (you can compost cake, lol) and my garden dirt is so good now.

  5. Very cute! We try to do our part to be green, too!

  6. We also use reusable lunch containers daily. I also don't use paper napkins.

    One thing I could improve on is paper towels. I use them when I'm cooking rather than a dish towel. I've got to stock up on cloth dish towels.

    Love this giveaway!

  7. Cute! We're homeschoolers, so I'm coming up with a lesson plan for Earth Day. We do our part to recycle. I haven't gotten into composting yet(we did when we lived in Seattle and they had a program for it). We're going to be planting a tree.

    My friend introduced me to Earth Hour a couple of weeks ago. We turned off all the electricity for an hour and played games in the dark with glow toys. We might do something like that on Earth Day, too!

  8. Love it Susan! I think everyone should go rent An Inconvenient Truth again or for those of you with daughters buy Girls Gone Gree by Lynn Hirshfield and then make some of Susan's receipes for family earth day!
