Monday, April 5, 2010

Chocolate Pudding-used 4 egg yolks; 25 more to go

I have to start being creative with the vast number of egg yolks that are hanging out in my fridge.  All that macaroon making has left me with anywhere from 29-33 egg yolks.  I have committed to a few flavors of ice cream, some lemon curd (paired with scone, to be made and posted later in the week), pot de creme and this pudding.  However, even with all of that, I am still going to have some left overs.  And we all know how much I hate wasting food.

The first of many egg yolk concoctions is this lovely, "dark, rich, chocolate Creams" originally seen on my friend, Carrie's blog; deliciously organic (recipe and blog post here).  It looked lovely, her photos are stunning and the recipe called for egg yolks!  Yeah!

Eli loved this.  He said  "it was heaven in a cup".  This recipe is basically a ganache with egg yolks.  So rich, so creamy, so decadent.  I popped mine in the fridge and in doing so it lost it's silkiness.  However, it didn't stop my rugrats from eating all of them, all 8 to be exact.

This is the perfect dessert for those nights when your friends decide to invite themselves to stay for dinner.  This took all of 15 minutes to make.

12 oz of really good bittersweet chocolate
1 cup heavy cream
4 egg yolks
pinch of salt
1 Tbls. vanilla

Put chocolate (chopped) in a blender.  Bring cream to a simmer over medium heat.  Just when you see tiny bubbles start to form around the edge of the pan, pour over chocolate.  Blend for 1-2 minutes, until smooth.  Add egg yolks, salt and vanilla.

Pour into individual cups.  I would suggest eating right a way.  However, they are just as good, cold from the fridge!



  1. This is definitely a lick your bowl kind of dessert.

  2. I am in the reverse crisis, somewhere like 16 egg whites hanging out in my fridge! from all my crazy ice cream making.....maybe another batch of meringues or just some meringue icing for cupcakes or my old standard egg white frittatas......they should sell just yolks for ice cream making!!!

    your pudding looks like spoonable ganache....yum!
