Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Testing Scone Recipes

As I have mentioned in a lot of my posts, I like to freeze doughs.  I am getting more and more calls each week for my baked goods (which I do out of the goodness of my heart) and all my friends have talked me into doing something with my passion.  With that said, I am not convinced, but in the meantime, I am testing doughs, ingredients and flavor combos.

I am starting with scones.  I started with a basic buttermilk recipe that I have played with in the past.  I made a big batch and added some chopped crystalized ginger and some chopped dried apricots.  I also used both pastry flour and all purpose flour.  I love the texture and the taste of these scones.  And...I love ginger, but not in my sweets.
I will make this base again yet play with the "mix-in's".

chopped dried fruit
shaped dough
(would make them a little thicker next time)
cut and ready to flash freeze

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