Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meyer Lemon Pound Cake & Chocolate Fondue

I get updates from Saveur Magazine via email and this past week they posted lots of muffins, cakes and other sweet treats. I went onto their site and stumbled upon a recipe for The Best Damn Meyer Lemon Cake (recipe here). I love Meyer lemons. I have a tree. Eli and I were observing our tree yesterday and noticed that we did not get as many lemons this year as we have in the past. He commented on how few branches we have. I agreed. I wonder if my Gardner thought it might be a good idea to cut back the branches when he cut back our rose bushes. Hope that isn't the case.

I made the cake in conjunction with Chocolate Fondue (16 oz bittersweet chocolate, chopped + 2 cups heavy cream. Put in glass bowl over simmering water and melt to combine. Once combined put in your fondue pot with flame on LOW!).

I wanted to the cake to accompany pretzel sticks, strawberries, bananas, dried fruit and marshmallows. The cake was delicious with or without the chocolate. I cut it into small squares so it would be easy to dunk.

This cake lives up to its name. And the fondue wasn't bad either.

ps. I have left over ganache. Be on the look out for mini s'mores!

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