Tonight, for X-mas eve, we are going to the neighbors and I wanted to bring a little something, even though the food is going to be plentiful. I defrosted the pastry in the fridge over night. I wanted to use the last of my goat cheese and leeks and opted to make little bite size tarts rather than one huge one. Just wanted to mix it up a little.

I shaped the tart dough in the a.m., then took off for yoga. When I got home, I popped them in the oven to cook, made the custard and sauteed the leeks. I love this recipe it is a winner every time.
• 3/4 cup whole milk
• 3/4 cup heavy cream
• 2 eggs + 2 egg yolks
• salt, white pepper & pinch of nutmeg
• scatter leeks and goat cheese (4 oz.) over
baked tart shell
• mix all together and pour over leeks and goat cheese, in baked pastry shell
• 11" tart, bake for around 35 minutes at 375*

Also whipped up a pitcher of cranberry margaritas. Will blend with ice when I get there! Should be a fun evening.
• 1 1/4 cup cranberry juice
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 1 1/2 cup cranberries
• 3/4 cup fresh lime juice
• 3/4 cup tequila
• 1/2 cup contreau
• 3 cups ice
• dip glasses in cranberry juice then sugar.
• blend all of the above in a blender. Add ice
and then blend to desired slushiness or serve
on the rocks.
Peace, Joy, Love
You makin' these on Monday night?