Monday, November 23, 2009

Pumpkin Whoopie PIes

I have thought about making Whoopie Pies but they have kind of fallen under my radar. With all the canned pumpkin in my house right now and with the need to make room on my pantry shelves for other items, Pumpkin Whoopie Pies seemed like the obvious choice.

I searched a few cooking sites and found myself drawn to the ones on the Martha Stewart Website as this particular recipe was created by the author of Baked, (Matt Lewis). I have recently purchased the book, however have not created from it as of yet. The recipe (found here) appeared easy enough. No mixers, just two bowls, a wooden spoon and a spatula.

Whoopie pies are like little round cakes. I am not really a lover of cake. I love a good cookie, I adore most things chocolate especially if it is coupled with caramel and I like most bars. Hence, cake, could take it or leave it. With that said, although the Whoopies were fun to make, I can honestly say I wont be rushing to make these or any other flavored inspired Whoopie Pie real soon.

Don't get me wrong, my kids and the recipients of these palm sized treats were thrilled. They just are not my thing.

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