Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Spice Cake w/Buttermilk Icing

I committed, once again, to baking for an upcoming meeting. It always seems like such a good idea to "volunteer" at the time that I am asked. Then the day before the commitment arrives and I have to add yet one more thing to my overflowing "to do list". I wish I could simply learn to say "no". Anyone out there teach a course in "just saying NO"? If so, let me know, I will sign myself up along with about 10 of my friends whom also over commit themselves. Don't get me wrong, I love to do it, however sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut.

I mainly choose this recipe for Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake because of today's date. With today being October 28th, with the weather finally feeling like "fall" in sunny, southern Cal, and with Halloween creeping up on us, this felt like the obvious choice.

I have two cans of pumpkin puree in my pantry due to me, once again, volunteering to make mini pumpkin pies in Isaac's classroom tomorrow. I really didn't want to make another trip to the super market (to buy more puree), but what the is, after all, pumpkin season.

This cake is delicious! I cut off a piece for each of my kids and they loved it. It is so good that I am going to make another one tomorrow (ended up making two more - one for a friend). The frosting needs a little more buttermilk than what it calls for. I wasn't entirely happy with the consistency, need to work on that! For the next one, I may opt to add a little maple syrup to the glaze. Will let you know.

I am not even going to this "volunteer meeting", but this cake is! Hope everyone enjoys it!

A little "before bedtime" snack!

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