Monday, September 28, 2009

Cappuccino Brownies

The baking marathon continues. I was planning on making these mini Reine de Saba's for the chocolate portion of the "break fast" dessert-fest. I had every intention of doing so until I was surfing the net for a recipe for white chocolate ganache. My idea was to dip or drizzle this over the chocolate cakes. However, while searching I found this recipe for Cappuccino Brownies. They looked so good that I scratched the mini idea and decided to make a double batch of these. So glad I did! They were easy and delicious.

A few people asked my friend where she "bought" the brownies from. She happily said, "I didn't buy them anywhere", my friend made them! Hee hee!

What made these unique was the sprinkling of cinnamon on the top. Had I not done that, I personally don't think they would have been as special.

I also whipped up a double batch of my all time favorite ginger molasses cookies (see older blog entries). These are so delicious.

The goodies were a hit. Now I can rest (at least until my next urge to concoct something in the kitchen)!


  1. Those brownies look and sound awesome. Where can I get the recipe?

  2. Oh thanks Suzan - I got your message. I see the link only shows up a different colour if you hover over it, that's probably why I missed it.

    Will be making those brownies asap!
