Friday, August 14, 2009

Peach Tea Cake

I am reading my magazines and I am finding so many wonderful recipes to experiment with . I found these Stone Fruit Tea Cakes and couldn't wait to try them. I had an over abundance of peaches and with plans to go to our cousins for lunch this weekend, I had the perfect excuse to make it.

I made the pastry dough (doubled it) in advance and stuck it in the freezer. This is not a great dough to work with, it is super sticky, falls apart BUT the end result is worth the trouble and hassle of working with it. Be patient, don't be discouraged. I was super discourage, I wanted to through the entire dough in the garbage, but had already committed to making this plus my peaches were prepped.

This is an outrageously delicious cake. This is the perfect summer dessert, but could be made year around using frozen stone fruit. Yet, next time, instead of sprinkling the sugar over the fruit, I would mix it prior and add a little lemon zest.

Top this with a a little vanilla ice cream and you have a great crowd pleaser.

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