Friday, August 21, 2009

Grandma Sadie's Date Nut Loaf

My cousin, Hallie and I were talking the other day about our grandma Rose's recipes. We were talking about some of our favorite recipes and we both agreed that her date nut loaf was one of our favorites. Neither one of us could find her original recipe but I did find my Grandma Sadie's recipe (my mom's mom). I called my mom and suggested she come over and we bake it together. We made two loafs and took one over to Hallie's. She was happy.

This bread, loaf, cake - whatever you want to call it, is really good. It is somewhat addicting. It is dense, but it is not heavy. There is no butter or oil in the cake. The wet ingredients basically consists of whipped egg whites and egg yolks. At first, I thought...weird. But then when you taste it, it is not weird at all. It is all nuts and dates.

This is probably a 100 year old recipe. I believe that is why it is so good.

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