Saturday, August 29, 2009

Chocolate Pound Cake

I received an email the other day that our school community wants to provide lunch for all the teachers next week. They were reaching out for volunteers to help that day as well as contribute food. We are going to be out of town, but I couldn't not make something.

I am trying to use up the things in my fridge, that will no doubt turn green while we are away. I had just enough sour cream to make this cake. For the life of me, I can't remember where this recipe came from and as I write this, I am searching for the recipe in my recipe files on my desk top. I know I am overwhelmed with trying to pack for 5, but am I losing it here? I just made the cake yesterday and had the recipe that I had printed directly from my computer?!

I baked the cake in the morning and then when it was cool, sliced it and wrapped it for freezing. I dropped it off at my neighbors house as she so graciously offered to bring it to school for me. Whether we are in town or not, the Salzman family has to show our school and our teachers that we appreciate all that they do.

I will post the recipe when I get back (provided I can find it!)

Have a good week and a safe Labor day!

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