Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July Prep

We are having two sets of guest tomorrow. Don't ask! In the morning, the kids invited the neighborhood kids over for bike decorating and a bike parade and then in the evening we are having "adults" for a BBQ. I have two different menus for each "meal". Thought I would share my TO DO list with you:

The most fun thing that I made was the Jello.  I was perusing Tastespotting and I came across this recipe. As we were having 25 kids over for lunch on the 4th, I had to make this jello.  It was time consuming but managed to mutli-task as the layers were setting.  Next time I would make extra of the white layer and put it between the 1st blue layer and the 2nd red layer.  Although I made this with the kids in mind, the adults went crazy for it!  I am not a jello lover, yet this was pretty darn good!

Be on the lookout for more of my holiday themed jello !

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