Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We love Biscotti!

Every year our Elementary School has a big auction which raises tons of money for the school.  Each year they have an "arm chair" auction.  This is the place where one can bid on all the special categories.  One year I bid on Eli being office assistant for the day, and he won.  He loved that day.  Most years, I bid on the special day out with the teacher.  

This year, Eli's 5th grade teacher and her best friend (another 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Thyer) offered a weekend camping trip.  He adores both Mrs. Corleto and Mrs. Thyer.  As this was his last year, I made sure to bid big in order for him to share in this great experience.

This past weekend was the big camp out and I wanted to send them on their way with goodies for the car ride.  I figured biscotti's were safe.  Who doesn't like a good biscotti??  I like Nick Malgieri and I was reading Cookies Unlimited.  His biscotti recipes are always good so I choose to make the Chocolate Chunk Biscotti.  They were a perfect combo of both bittersweet and milk chocolate, crunchy and chewy at the same time.  It is rare that I don't put nuts in my biscotti, but this worked!

Three kids, with the highest bids, were picked from each classroom.  Three boys and three girls were the lucky 6.    Eli gets a little nervous with new situations, mostly sleeping out, and I wasn't sure how he would do.  According to both Melissa and Stephanie, Eli was willing, able and ready to do whatever was asked of him.  That's my guy!

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