Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Eli woke up on Monday morning and said, "mom, we don't have a sweet in the house".  Duh, I just spent a week baking and I was kind of "sugared-out".

I suggested he search the recipe books and pick something out.  He went for a household favorite, Black and Whites.  I have made several versions of this cookie and couldn't quite remember which recipe, which book, etc.  I grabbed the Martha Stewart Baking Handbook and just went with it.  Almost sorry I had.  The cookie part on its own was really good.  However, the glaze did not set.  Didn't even set when placed in the fridge.  My kids ate one cookie each, right after frosting them.  It was unanimous to toss the rest.  Such a bummer when that happens.

I am going to have to do a recipe comparison this summer and make a few different versions.  I will let the kids be the judge and then share with all of you.

Eli, Isaac and Max (our buddy) enjoying the cookies!

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