I know I committed to baking everything in Nancy Silverton's Pastries from the La Brea Bakery (see 2/18/09 posting), but I have gotten a little side tracked. I have been on a cookbook buying rampage. And in doing so, I have strayed. However, strayed in a good way!
I have been wanting to make donuts. All kinds of donuts. Yet, feeling a little intimidated. Nancy has a few recipes in her book that seem easy enough. I decided to start with the "fritters". This is a really easy batter to assemble (not requiring one to take out their heavy mixer) and it can be made in advance and refrigerated. The batter consists of the usual suspects yet has a few surprises; clover honey and ricotta. It was the perfect recipe to help me overcome my fear of making donuts. Next time I will tackle the real deal!
I had made some chocolate sauce from Sherry Yard's The Secret of Baking for some profiteroles that I had recently made (will post soon). If you do not know this book, it is really one of the better books I own.
She has such a great way of telling her stories and sharing her recipes. This is one recipe I will keep on hand at all times. It is so versatile and can be used for so many different things.
Unfortunately, you can't eat just one!
The fritters look yummy! I also love Sherry Yard's books.