Saturday, December 20, 2008


It wasn't until the actual day (12/13) of Levi's party that he got it.  When the Dora bounce house arrived, he realized that this day was all about him.  He was totally overwhelmed, but seriously into it.  

It was a small party.  All the important people in his life.  His brothers, his grandparents, his cousins and a few friends (our neighbors).  It was small, intimate and the perfect way for Levi to spend becoming one year older.
It doesn't get much better than a Krispy Kreme donut cake!
The day was all about the DONUTS!

December 15, 2008

Such concentration and determination.  "3" takes a lot of dexterity and coordination!

Sharing mini ice cream cones with all his pals at pre-school!

It was a terrific day.  It was rainy and cozy and the perfect day to become one year older.  I love you, Levi!

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